Pastor Darin Zumwalt

Mary Kristynik
Church Coordinator

A Bio from Pastor Darin Zumwalt
Shiner FUMC will be my second appointment as a United Methodist Minister. I was raised Baptist and follow both of my grandfathers in ministry. One a Baptist Preacher and the other, a Methodist Minister. I entered into ministry about 7 years ago after a life changing experience on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic and raising my hand to God, saying "here I am Lord, send me". Together, my wife Myra and I, have 4 children and 7 grandchildren with another on the way. We have been married for 9 years and in the Methodist faith for the same time period. We are passionate about our faith and our family, and we serve side-by-side in ministry and in life.
I have been an ordained Deacon in the Baptist church as well as a youth director and I am a certified Stephen Minister. My wife Myra has been the administration assistant and finance director for North Shore UMC (our home church) in Canyon Lake, TX for the past 8 years. Together, we have taught Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace for 4 years and led 4 mission teams to the Dominican Republic working with an organization combating human trafficking. We are active in the Emmaus community, and both have served multiple walks and in many positions.
For the past 2 years, I have been the part time pastor of Stables UMC in Staples, Texas as a bi-vocational pastor. In conjunction with that, for the past 14 years, I have served as the Executive Director of a non-profit organization in Canyon Lake, TX. Programs included a rec center, community center, community garden, thrift store, and crisis programs that covered a food pantry, Meals-on-Wheels, durable medical goods loan program, and financial assistance program. My primary functions other than management of all aspects of the organization were in fundraising, grant writing, public speaking, and volunteer management.
I have served in the US Army with the rank of Staff Sergeant and have 11 years of service behind me. Myra and I have both served in other positions of employment with a wide variety of work that have helped shape who we are. We enjoy the simple things in life like gardening and canning, thrift store or flea market shopping for the perfect find and enjoy crafting projects. We can sometimes be found in a market day booth selling our homemade jams, jellies, pickles, and baked goods to raise funds for mission trips. An occasional BBQ cookoff might even find its way into our schedule for fun as we like to stay active and involved in our community. We are excited and honored to serve Shiner FUMC through our ministry as God leads us and ready to make a new home in the Shiner community as well as new friendships as we grow and learn to be disciples together.
May the Lord Bless and Keep You,
Pastor Darin Zumwalt